the UNCATEGORISED| Daily Prompt…


Where do your morals come from — your family? Your faith? Your philosophical worldview? How do you deal with those who don’t share them, or derive them from a different source?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us THE SOURCE.

My morals come from all over the place. I also like to think that I am consistently learning and adapting to cement or build on them. 

Without a doubt my family taught me the importance of having a moral conscience. Show respect to anyone and everyone i met. Recognise that my opinion is not the be all, others have theirs and they are entitled to it. It does not make me any better or inferior. It was also drummed into us as kids that kindness was free. My parents are some of the most selfless human beings I know, when it comes to family (and there is a lot of us by extension) however it may be an African culture thing? I don’t know. My Dad may have never spoken to a great Aunt of his in years but if they rang in need of help, he’d oblige.

I have tried to extend this courtesy to friends, colleagues and strangers – because I know it doesn’t take much to be nice, also un-selflessly I like how most people react. In turn the actions of friends and discussions I’ve had with people have allowed me to draw up conclusions about the sort of person I want to be. 

My grandmother is a very religious woman; she brought us up to have faith and though I’m not as consistent with my prayers and readings, I do have faith and sense of ‘good actions’ being rewarded. I also like to think I’ll see some family members passed in another life, so having faith goes hand in hand with that wish. 

To me the most important factor of any and all religion is to be a good person and to be thankful for what we do have. Nothing is worse than being in a better position than most and grumbling about it constantly to no end. If you get yours from somewhere else, or think differently that is all well and good – I like to listen – and sometimes I annoy myself at how easy I adapt to make others feel comfortable, but that’s me. 

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